Friday, June 9, 2017

The Month of Ramadan

This writing is a brief summary of Khutbah from Prof Yusuf Saleem at my campus INCEIF for the Friday Prayer. He is my lecture on subject Shariah Aspects of Business and Finance, a very kind one he was if I have to explain it in a word. With a lot of Khutbah I listen recently on this holy month, I am so fascinated with his point of view on Ramadan.

As we all know Ramadan is said as a month that being waited vigorously for all Muslim, yet as a Muslim, do we know what we are waiting for? As it written in Quran chapter Al-Baqarah verse 183 "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous", Muslims are summoned to fasting in Ramadan and it is one of the essential matter in this particular month. However, we actually can fasting anytime anywhere (with some considerations of course) if we want, not just in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, lets get back to the basic then.

One of the fundamental things about the blessed of Ramadan is the Quran is being revealed on this month. The sacred scripture of Muslim that come directly from their god, Allah swt, through his angel Jibril and his messenger Muhammad pbuh. It begin with the word 'Read' which Allah swt wants human to learn from it, feel it and study about it. Yet with the current situation that happen in the Muslim community which a huge poverty, corrupted governments, deadly extremist and of course the unrecognized social behavior on Halal and Haram matters, do we really take Quran as the ultimate guidance or we just put it as another book in library?

The situation happens in our economy, political and social activities are all being discussed in Quran. Muslim actually can applied it once and become the center of civilization back then, but what happened now is 180 degree different. Quran is revealed not without a reason. And it is revealed on the month of Ramadan is also not with no reasons. Ramadan is the time where we can unite from the time of Sahur until Maghrib and even until Taraweeh prayer. It is the time we realizing that Quran is not just a book to recite, it is a book to applied. It is a guidance directly from Allah swt and we have to read it as we are being given that revelation by our god personally.

Prof Yusuf Saleem then close his Khutbah with poem about Quran from Dr Pandit Shanker Dayal Sharma, a Hindus who are the ninth President of India.

It was a command for action.
You turned it into a book of prayer.

It was a Book to understand.
You read it without understanding.

It was a code for the living.
You turned it into a manifesto of the dead.

That which was a book of knowledge;
You abdicated to the ignoramus

It came to give knowledge of Creation.
You abandoned it to the madrassah.

It came to give life to dead nations.
You used it for seeking mercy for the dead.

O’ Muslims! What have you done?

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